Injectable Testosterone lets you experience youth once again!
Once you receive injectable testosterone you will feel the difference in your health and will develop a positive outlook about life, since it improves your health conditions in a way that you feel happy, energetic and enthusiastic to everything that comes across your way. Do not wait and experience the impossible.
Having heard a lot about injectable testosterone, most of you out there might be wondering what magic testosterone does? Well, it won’t be wrong to acknowledge testosterone injections a magic medicine, given the way it works on your body, leaving you hearty, physically fit and emotionally strong. Let us first apprehend what this hormone does and how injectable testosterone helps in rejuvenation youthfulness.
What is Injectable Testosterone?
Basically, testosterone is a sex hormone, produced naturally in male testicles as well as female ovaries; however, its amount is comparatively more in male. Testosterone injections or injectable testosterones are used to treat the deficiency of testosterone mostly in men and conditions caused by such deficiency, primarily impotence, delayed puberty and plethora of other hormonal imbalances.
Our body has the ability of producing testosterone hormone naturally but as we cross the age of 25, the pace of testosterone production slows down, while the bodily needs of testosterone remains the same. In such a situation, we feel lethargic, inactive and weak, reason being deficiency of testosterone in our body. Here the need of testosterone hormone arises that can be overcome by injecting frequent doses of the hormone into your body and revive lost youth and glory in a short period of time.
Administration of Injectable Testosterone
Normally, testosterone is injected as per the prescription of the doctor either in the muscles or into the buttocks. Likewise, its dose and frequency also depend upon the health conditions, testosterone’s deficiency, and varies from one individual to another. Generally, your family physician, nurse or any health care professional can aid you in administering testosterone, but many people are capable of injecting it themselves into their muscles. A single dose is given after every 2 to 4 weeks and depending on your health conditions your treatment will continue for months.
Procedure leading towards Injectable Testosterone
You cannot just walk in to a pharmacy and get yourself injectable testosterone, rather there is a set procedure that has to be followed to determine the hormone’s deficiency and go ahead with testosterone injections. Lot of websites on the internet lure you to buy testosterone online without doctor’s prescription, which proves to be hazardous for your health. We strongly encourage seeking out any of the health professional’s help and getting prescribed testosterone injections so to get your testosterone hormone replacement therapy reckoned by the licensed US pharmacy.
Undergoing the said process ensures that before receiving injectable testosterone you have been examined and evaluated by a physician specializing in hormone therapy. Initially, you will be required to take a blood test that will manifest levels of hormonal deficiency you are encountering. Keeping in view your medical history, symptoms and blood test reports, your clinical adviser will recommend any of the testosterone hormone replacement therapy programs that suit your body needs aptly and provide maximum benefits. Here is the time for you to either buy those injectable testosterones from any reputed pharmacy or get them online from our website.
Points to Consider Before Receiving Injectable Testosterone
Certain health conditions are not suitable for receiving testosterone injections. It has been observed that if taken by a woman during pregnancy it stimulates birth defects of varying nature in the new born. Hence it is highly recommended to refrain from its usage during pregnancy. It is advisable to use birth control pills during hormone therapy and in case you get pregnant during the treatment, inform your doctor at the earliest so as to avoid any ailments in the unborn baby. Also, if you are breast feeding your baby, avoid injecting testosterone, since it has not been established if testosterone pass to the baby during breast feeding and pose no harmful effects on the nursing baby.
The first dose in a testosterone therapy is a smaller one, so as to gauge your body’s compatibility with the hormone. If you develop any sorts of allergy right after the dose, you are advised to stop the treatment immediately, as it has not been able to cope with your body composition. Similarly, the patients of male breast cancer or prostate cancer should not receive testosterone injections. Inform your doctor before receiving the medication if you have a medical history of blood clotting disorder, benign prostatic hypertrophy, high cholesterol, liver or kidney disease, any type of cancer, coronary artery disease, heart disease or having encountered a heart attack.
All this information will help your clinical adviser to provide you with the best suited testosterone therapy program and prevent any health hazards once you undertake the treatment. You will be needing a dose adjustment or in some cases special tests are to be undertaken so as to use injectable testosterones in a safe manner.
Benefits of Injectable Testosterone
Testosterone injections offer plethora of benefits for your emotional, mental and physical well being. Once your testosterone level is restored, you feel younger and active in all ways. Testosterone, being a major hormone, brings about impressive change in one’s body after its low levels is brought at par with the normal one. One of the most celebrated benefits of injectable testosterones is redeeming sexual drive and performance in men. Most of the men administer testosterone injections to revive their sexual desire and 99% of them are highly satisfied with the medication.
However, for women, the point of attraction towards testosterone therapy is fat reduction since it promotes rapid metabolism that aids in melting stubborn belly fat and giving rise to a lean, less fatty and attractive physique. Testosterone has several other functions to play that include recovering muscle mass; lost during an illness, injury or owing to any other ailment, catering to decreased bone density; a condition that is trademark of growing age and lower testosterone levels, and it encourages twice as many fractures as a healthy individual might encounter. Apart from improving mental condition, restoring lost stamina and energy, testosterone injections indirectly reduce risks of cancer and heart attack. The main motive of testosterone injections is to improve health condition bringing it tantamount to a ‘good’ one in true sense, therefore normal levels of testosterone in the body suppress chances of getting a heart attack or falling prey to cancer.
Many times, doctors treat patients suffering from mild to high depression by recommending testosterone dose. The feeling of helplessness, lethargy or hopelessness are due to lower testosterone levels that are generally overlooked, but in fact, the condition requires physician’s recommended testosterone injections.
Side effects of Injectable Testosterones
At times, testosterone injections might bring about various side effects. In case you develop any of the abovementioned side effects, immediately stop the medication and get help of your clinical adviser. Most common side effect is allergic reaction, such as, having swelling on your face, throat, lips, and difficulty in breathing or hives. Serious side effects include: abrupt weight loss or gain, swelling, pain in body parts especially in lower body bones, memory problems, increased thirst, nausea, feeling of restlessness, increase in urination, loss of appetite, muscle twitching and weakness, vomiting, jaundice (skin or eyes becoming yellow) or stomach pain.
Sometimes, women receiving injectable testosterone might develop certain male tendencies that are hard to revert back. Therefore, if you observe any of the following signs, call your doctor immediately; these include: changes in menstrual cycle, acne, male pattern baldness or hair growth on various parts of your body, increased or decreased sexual desire etc.
Some testosterone side effects that are of less serious nature include: breast development in men, depressed mood, tingly feeling or numbness, headache, anxiety swelling at the places where testosterone has been injected etc. If you develop these side effects after receiving the medication, inform your doctor about it to get timely help.
It would also go in your benefit if you provide a complete list of medicines, you are currently taking, to your doctor during your medical checkup. Some drugs that effect working of testosterone are: blood thinner warfarin, steroids of any type and diabetic medicines or insulin. You might need a dose adjustment if you are using any of these medicines or depending upon your intake you might not be able to undertake testosterone hormone replacement therapy.